The Pond

They say that stress is 10 percent action, 90 percent reaction. Here is a great exercise from the LRS Readers Course (and also the book Practical Work on Self by EJ Gold) that will help you deal very effectively with, yes, even the Long Island Expressway.

Individual Exercise: The Pond

Purpose: To strengthen your ability to tolerate the states experienced in the Labyrinth.

Exercise: Our reflex reactions toward the manifestations of others are the chief cause of the automatic arising of lower-emotional storms within the organic body. Think of the organic body as a calm pool of water, and the shock of impressions from one who is for us a “walking-source-of-irritation” as pebbles. The ripples from dropping a pebble in the water would represent the reverberations that spread through the body. As we would expect, certain pebbles cause greater effect than others. Also, we should be aware that reverberations occur not only on the surface but under the surface as well. This week, we will “open the water” before the pebble so as to offer no resistance to the pebble; thus the ripples do not occur. We could learn to “open the water” before the reflexive reactions of the body are engaged from the impact of the annoying manifestations of others.

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