Catholic and Anglican Prayers

Prayers for a Dying Person

Almighty, everlasting God, who art nigh to help all that are in danger and necessity, we beseech thee, in deep humility, that thou wouldest come to help this thy servant in his extreme need; strengthen him in his death agony, and convey his soul into everlasting happiness.

Look, O most merciful Creator, with the eye of pity upon our dying brother, and comfort the soul which thou hast made; that being cleansed from all its sins, it may be received into eternal glory.

Merciful God, who lovest the souls of men, and for their good dost chasten them with temporal punishment, we beseech thee let thy fatherly love and divine consolation be imparted to the soul of thy servant, now wrestling with the pangs of death; that being purified at his decease, he may be borne by the hands of holy angels to thee, his Creator.

O God, receive thy servant into the dwelling-place of joy, as he hath hoped, trusting in thy mercy. – Old Catholic Church of Germany

The Litany to Saint Joseph for the Dying

Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, etc.
Holy Trinity, one God,
St. Joseph, foster father of Christ,
we beseech thee, hear us.
St. Joseph, patron of the dying,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him (her) forgiveness of his (her) sins,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him (her) great patience,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him (her) a perfect resignation,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him (her) a living and unshaken faith,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him (her) a firm confidence,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him (her) ardent charity,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Avert from him the attacks of the enemy,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Protect him from the temptations that assail him,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Preserve him from despondency and despair,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him the grace of Jesus Christ,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Assist him and do not abandon him,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Come to his aid in his weakness,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Assist him in his abandonment,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him a happy death,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Obtain for him a merciful judgment,
we beseech thee, hear us.
Conduct his soul to the vision of Jesus,
there to obtain mercy for him. Amen.



[To be pronounced in the presence of a dying person]

O God, be gracious to me;
O God, have mercy on me;
O God, forgive me my sins!
O God the Father, have mercy on me;
O Jesus, be gracious to me;
O Holy Spirit, strengthen me!
O God the Father, do not reject me;
O Jesus, do not abandon me;
O God the Holy Spirit, do not forsake me!
O my God, into Thy hands I commend my spirit;
O Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!
O Jesus, Son of Mary, have mercy on me!
O Jesus, I believe in Thee;
O Jesus I hope in Thee;
O Jesus, I love Thee!
O Jesus, I place all my trust in Thy bitter Passion!
O Jesus, in Thy Sacred Wounds I hide myself!
O Jesus, I enclose myself in Thy Sacred Heart!
Holy Mary, Mother of God, assist me!
Holy Mary, protect me from the evil spirit!
Holy Mary, turn thine eyes of mercy upon me!
O Mary, Mother of mercy, obtain grace for me from thy dear Son!
Come to my aid, O Mary, in this my anguish and need!
O Mary, enclose me in thy virginal Heart!
O Mary, commend me to thy Son, present me to thy Son,
reconcile me with thy Son!
St. Joseph, obtain for me grace and mercy!
St. Joseph, assist me in my struggle against the enemy of my salvation!
St. Joseph, to thee do I entrust my soul: do thou save it for me!
St. Joseph, remember me, and obtain mercy for me!
O holy Guardian Angel, do not abandon me, but combat for me
and preserve me from the evil one!
My dear Patron Saints, pray for me!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, into Thy hands I commend my spirit!


The sick committee should arrange that frequent visits be made to brothers who are ill. In case of dangerous illness they should inquire whether the last sacraments have been administered. At the approach of death the “Litany for the Dying,” and the “Prayers for the Last Agony,” should be said. Brothers of the sick committee should keep watch about the dead, preventing as far as possible all abuses of wakes. Attention at time of death by Holy Name men greatly strengthens the influence of the Society in a parish.


LORD have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, [pray for him.] [This response repeated after each petition.]
All ye holy angels and archangels,
Holy Abel,
All ye choirs of the just,
Holy Abraham,
St. John the Baptist,
St. Joseph,
All ye patriarchs and prophets,
St. Peter,
St. Paul,
St. Andrew,
St. John,
All ye holy apostles and evangelists,
All ye holy disciples of the Lord,
All ye holy innocents,
St. Stephen,
St. Lawrence,
All ye holy martyrs,
St. Sylvester,
St. Gregory,
St. Augustine,
All ye holy bishops and confessors,
St. Benedict,
St. Dominic,
St. Francis,
All ye holy monks and hermits,
St. Mary Magdalene,
St. Lucy,
All ye holy virgins and widows,
All ye saints of God, make intercession for him.
Be merciful, spare him, O Lord.

Be merciful, [Deliver him, O Lord.] [This response repeated after each petition.]
and from Thy anger,
From an unhappy death,
From the pains of hell,
From the power of the devil,
From all evil,
By Thy nativity,
By Thy cross and passion,
By Thy death and burial,
By Thy glorious resurrection,
By Thy admirable ascension,
By the grace of the Holy Ghost the Comforter,
In the day of judgment,
We sinners beseech Thee to hear us.
That Thou spare him, We beseech Thee to hear us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Let us Pray.
God of mercy, God of goodness; O God, who, according to the multitude of Thy mercies, forgivest the sins of such as repent, and graciously remittest the guilt of their past offenses, mercifully regard this Thy servant N., and grant him a full discharge from all his sins, who most earnestly begs it of Thee. Remove, O merciful Father, whatever is corrupt in him through human frailty, or by the snares of the enemy; make him a true member of the Church, and let him partake of he fruit of Thy redemption. Have compassion, Lord, on his tears, and admit him to reconciliation with Thee, who has no hope but in Thee, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

I recommend thee, dear brother, to Almighty God, and leave thee to His mercy whose creature thou art; that having paid the common debt, by surrendering thy soul, thou mayest return to the Maker, who formed thee out of the earth. May, therefore, the splendid company of angels meet they soul at its departure; may the court of the apostles receive thee; may the triumphant army of glorious martyrs conduct thee; may the crowds of joyful confessors encompass thee; may the choir of blessed virgins go before thee; may a happy rest be they portion in the company of the patriarchs; and may Christ Jesus appear to thee with a mild and cheerful countenance, and give thee place among those who are to be in His presence forever. Mayest thou be a stranger to all that which is punished with darkness, chastised with flames, and condemned with torments. May the wicked enemy, with all his evil spirits, depart from thee; may he tremble at thy approach in the company of the angels, and retire into the horrid confusion of eternal night. May they God arise, and thy enemies be put to flight. May all who hate him fly before His face. Let them vanish like smoke, and as wax before the fire; so let sinners perish in the sight of God; but for the just, let them rejoice and be happy in His presence. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Anglican Ministration at the Time of Death

When a person is near death, the Minister of the Congregation should be notified, in order that the ministrations of the Church may be provided.

A Prayer for a Person near Death

Almighty God, look on this your servant, lying in great
weakness, and comfort him with the promise of life
everlasting, given in the resurrection of your Son Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany at the Time of Death

When possible, it is desirable that members of the family and friends come together to join in the Litany.

God the Father,
Have mercy on your servant.
God the Son,
Have mercy on your servant.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on your servant.

At Time of Death

Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on your servant.
From all evil, from all sin, from all tribulation,
Good Lord, deliver him.
By your holy Incarnation, by your Cross and Passion, by
your precious Death and Burial,
Good Lord, deliver him.
By your glorious Resurrection and Ascension, and by the
Coming of the Holy Spirit,
Good Lord, deliver him.
We sinners beseech you to hear us, Lord Christ: That it may
please you to deliver the soul of your servant from the power
of evil, and from eternal death,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please you mercifully to pardon all his sins,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please you to grant him a place of refreshment
and everlasting blessedness,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.
That it may please you to give him joy and gladness in your
kingdom, with your saints in light,
We beseech you to hear us, good Lord.
Jesus, Lamb of God:
Have mercy on him.
Jesus, bearer of our sins:
Have mercy on him.
Jesus, redeemer of the world:
Give him your peace.

At time of Death

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Officiant and People
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our tresspasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.

The Officiant says this Collect

Let us pray.
Deliver your servant, N., O Sovereign Lord Christ, from all
evil, and set him free from every bond; that he may rest with
all your saints in the eternal habitations; where with the
Father and the Holy Spirit your live and reign, one God, for
ever and ever. Amen.

A Commendation at the Time of Death

Depart, O Christian soul, out of this world;
In the Name of God the Father Almighty who created you;
In the Name of Jesus Christ who redeemed you;
In the Name of the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you.
May your rest be this day in peace,
and your dwelling place in the Paradise of God.

At Time of Death

A Commendatory Prayer

Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your
servant N. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep of
your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your
own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of your mercy,
into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the
glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Prayers for a Vigil

It is appropriate that the family and friends come together for prayers prior to the funeral. Suitable Psalms, Lessons, and Collects (such as those in the Burial service) may be used. The Litany at the Time of Death may be said, or the following

Dear Friends: It was our Lord Jesus himself who said,
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will
give you rest.” Let us pray, then, for our brother (sister) N.,
that he may rest from his labors, and enter into the light
of God’s eternal sabbath rest.
Receive, O Lord, your servant, for he returns to you.
Into your hands, O Lord,
we commend our brother (sister) N.
Wash him in the holy font of everlasting life, and clothe
him in his heavenly wedding garment.
Into your hands, O Lord,
we commend our brother (sister) N.
May I hear your words of invitation, “Come, you blessed of
my Father.”
Into your hands, O Lord,
we commend our brother (sister) N.

At time of Death

May he gaze upon you, Lord, face to face, and taste the
blessedness of perfect rest.
Into your hands, O Lord,
we commend our brother (sister) N.
May angels surround him, and saints welcome him in peace.
Into your hands, O Lord,
we commend our brother (sister) N.

The Officiant concludes

Almighty God, our Father in heaven, before whom live all
who die in the Lord: Receive our brother N. into the courts of
your heavenly dwelling place. Let his heart and soul now ring
out in joy to you, O Lord, the living God, and the God of
those who live. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Reception of the Body

The following form may be used at whatever time the body is brought to the church. The Celebrant meets the body at the door of the church and says:

With faith in Jesus Christ, we receive the body of our brother
(sister) N. for burial. Let us pray with confidence to God, the
Giver of life, that he will raise him to perfection in the
company of the saints.

Silence may be kept; after which the Celebrant says

Deliver your servant, N., O Sovereign Lord Christ, from all
evil, and set him free from every bond; that he may rest with
all your saints in the eternal habitations; where with the
Father and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, one God, for
ever and ever. Amen.

At Time of Death

Let us also pray for all who mourn, that they may cast their
care on God, and know the consolation of his love.

Silence may be kept; after which the Celebrant says

Almighty God, look with pity upon the sorrows of your
servants for whom we pray. Remember them, Lord, in your mercy;
nourish them with patience; comfort them with a sense of your
goodness; lift up your countenance upon them; and give them
peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

If the Burial service is not to follow immediately, the body is then brought into the church, during which time a suitable psalm or anthem may be sung or said. Appropriate devotions, such as those appointed for the Vigil on page 465, may follow. When the order for the Burial of the Dead follows immediately, the service continues on page 469 or 491.

A member of the congregation bearing the lighted Paschal Candle may lead the procession into the church.