Tip 6, Prayer Works

 Prayer Works. Prayer serves to focus the mind and your intentions. We can’t recommend Douglas Smith’s Caregiving highly enough. It is filled with practical ideas for enriching the end of life experience. Prayer without theology is one of them.

You may often find yourself in a situation where prayer is entirely appropriate as an affirmation, request or a dedication. In these cases formulate a prayer, straight from your heart. You don’t have to address it to any particular religious deity, you can simply say: We pray for_________ (patience, health, strength, thanks), for ourselves and others. May we really know the joy of true mindfulness and patience…May peace fill this room, and so on.

Prayer is effective, but has to be appropriate to the situation and to all of the people involved. You have to be very aware. Be sensitive, but generally people are willing to go along with just about anything as long as your care partner is enjoying it.

He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life. – William Law

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