The Goodbye Party

In our book Caregiver Revolution we talk about the end of life celebration. This party looks pretty close to what we are talking about!

Timothy Leary also had a “custom” festive departure back in 1995 and laid the groundwork for many others:

TIMOTHY LEARY is dying, and he is delighted to talk about it. A sensualist to the end, he is charting his last few minutes on earth, or at least the last few that anyone can be certain of, making sure that the nation’s death industry will not spoil this, the experience of a lifetime.

“It’s called designer dying,” he explained cheerfully into the speaker phone at his house in Beverly Hills the other day. “It’s a hip, chic, vogue thing to do. It’s the most elegant thing you can do. Even if you’ve lived your life like a complete slob, you can die with terrific style.”

See a full NY Times article about his preparations for dying or search Tim Leary: The Art of Dying to see a film.


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