What Will Happen Today?

Last night just before the Group Orb Run, I pulled a book off the shelf, opened it up and this is what it said. While it is ringing in my head I thought I should share it:

Familiarization is the strength that comes to us when we take the teachings to heart, becoming familiar with them by using them over and over. When we wake up in the morning and start our bodhichitta training anew, what will we use as material? Just our usual day in all its variations – pleasant, unpleasant, or simply mundane.

What will happen to us today is completely unknown, as unknown as what will happen at death. Whatever happens, our commitment is to use it to awaken our heart. As one of the slogans says: “All activities should be done with one intention.” That intention is to realize our connection with all beings.

And so, that is  one thing that could be happening today, and I  hope that is is a very good day for you!

The Places that Scare You – Pema Chodron, page 84

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