An Amazing New and totally DIFFERENT Computer Video Game for Cancer Patients



This is the most beautiful computer game space you ‘ll ever experience…and yet just around the corners are some very potent chambers for fighting cancer. The game, Cancer Killer, technically called a Specialty Orb, is only 99 cents and available for easy download at

You can harness the power of video gaming to change your life. The beautiful thing about the specialty and remedy orbs is that they can be run by anyone for the benefit of another. Just put that persons name into the name entry field (see full instructions here) and the benefit of the run is going to him or her.

Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world.  So long as you can sweeten another’s pain, life is not in vain.  ~ Helen Keller

Find out more about helping others on my post entitled: Do You Know Someone who needs Help?, or Dedicating Efforts. These give some marvelous tools for helping others in these times of accelerated change when many of us may be feeling quite helpless.

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions about the orbs or any of the tools that you see on this website!


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